The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog contains all of the letters of the alphabet.

the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog

Tomato is a fruit.


Loud, fast music makes termites chew faster.


Statistically, you are more likely to be attacked by a cow than a shark.

killer cow

Elephants are not afraid of mice.

elephant scared of mouse

Cats hate lemons.

cat vs lemon.jpg

Snakes are immune to their own venom.

snake eating itself

Cats cannot taste sweet things.

cat eat cupcake(cat fail)

Mosquitoes are attracted to the color blue than any other color.


Spider silk, by weight, is stronger than steel.

spider silk stonger than steel

A zebra is white with black stripes, not black with white stripes.


Want to make friends with a cat? Blink once slowly and then look away when you catch their eyes. Then wait for them to approach you. It really works!


Unroll the rim to increase the capacity.


How to properly make a sandwich.


As soon as you have brain freeze, push your tongue against the roof of your mouth. It will relieve the pain instantly.


There are 6 people in the world which exactly looks like you and there is a 9% chance to meet one of them in your lifetime.


To remove the stem from strawberries, use a straw.
